Our new friend Papacito is boarded up in a box on top of one of the chicken cages under an awning. There’s a big green wall you need to climb at the northeast end of the zoo that leads to a bunch of chickens roaming around.
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You can grab him while in the mission Break the Chains you get from Talia, but are free to go there before or after as well. This rambunctious rooster is in an appropriate spot for an animal at least, the Castillo National Zoo in the northern part of Balacera. Moving over to the Valle De Oro region we have Papacito. Just in front of this building is the box holding Acero. From there, go left and look for a shack with a green tarp on top. Aceroįrom Verdera in Lozania, go northeast until you spot a cart that sells ice cream. This mission will take you to an underground bunker, where you can find this rooster behind a butcher’s table. El Doradoįinding El Dorado won’t take you years, but it does have to wait until you’ve at least completed the Yaran Story mission titled Spur of the Moment, which you can start by talking to one of the characters at the cockfighting ring itself. The box with El Aguila is near the edge of the cliff adorned with a rooster. Climb to the summit and find a zipline that can take you across to a little plateau someone looks like they’ve been camping out on. In the Madrugada region, there’s a mountain to the northeast of the Cortina Weather Station, just across the river. Pick him up to get started with this odd mini-game. Just beside the actual ring is the crate right by the stands and large cages. As soon as you find the cockfighting ring at Montero Farm, you can add this rooster to your roster right away. The cleverly named El Rato should be the first rooster you come across in Far Cry 6.
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The controversial “sport” of cockfighting makes an appearance as an activity you can participate in to earn some extra money once you reach Montero Farm in Madrugada. Far Cry 6has many of these as well, but one extra mode stands out as the most unique for not only this series, but in gaming as a whole.

Even the Far Cry games have dabbled in some traditional diversions, such as treasure hunts, races, hunting, and fishing, to name a few. Open-world games are known for their side activities.